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Your dentist in Warri. Quality dental care for over 40 years...

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Contact Us

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 8:45 – 16:00
Saturday 8:45 – 12:00


No. 7 Obada Close, By Hotel Excel, Off Refinery Road, Effurun, Warri

About Us

Dentoba was founded by German-born Dr. U. Obada in 1980 and has offered quality dental care since then.

Our mission is to provide patients with quality dental care, in a comfortable, relaxed and friendly environment.

We strive to continually update ourselves so that we are positioned to offer top‑class services with state-of-the art procedures and materials.




Oral health, Control of mount odour. Ante-natal and post-natal advice.

Preventive Dentistry

Scaling and polishing for healthy gum and teeth. Flouride application for sensitive children's teeth.

Restorative Dentistry

Filling of damaged teeth. Replacement of lost teeth.

Stain removal

Stain and plaque removal.

Dental Surgery

Extraction, Reduction and immobilisation of fractures of the jaws and facial bones.

Aesthetic Care

Stain removal and teeth whitening. Mount wiring for weight control.